You then have to prove to the IRS that you don't have the means to return the money within a reasonable period of time. See if you qualify for the tax forgiveness program, call 877-788-2937 now. Under certain circumstances, taxpayers can have their tax debt partially forgiven. When the IRS considers forgiving your tax liability, it first analyzes your current financial situation.
This means that the IRS cannot charge more than you can reasonably pay. If any collection action forces you to enter into a financial crisis in which you lose all sense of financial security, the IRS cannot collect back taxes. IRS debt forgiveness applies if the taxpayer can claim extreme financial hardship and if all previous tax returns have been completed. The IRS debt forgiveness program is an initiative created by Internal Revenue Services to facilitate payments and provide tools and assistance to taxpayers who owe money to the IRS.
To find out if you are eligible for the IRS debt forgiveness program, your case must be examined. If you are concerned that you may not qualify for an OIC, consult a tax professional to see what IRS forgiveness options might be available to you. The government also has an IRS debt forgiveness program that offers several tax relief options. If you can't pay but haven't contacted the IRS for a waiver or help, you should still wait for them to start taking collection measures against you.
In plain English, this means that if you have been up to date with the IRS and have corrected any issues that have arisen before, the IRS will be willing to work with you to find a solution to an unlikely problem. Knowing your current position with respect to your tax debt is vital when it comes to seeking forgiveness from the IRS. If you think you've been caught by an IRS fine and can't pay due to circumstances beyond your control, you may qualify for a one-time waiver from the IRS. You can also apply for the IRS debt forgiveness program if you are self-employed and have suffered a loss of income of at least 25%.
That fee may be higher than what you end up saving on your tax bill if the IRS accepts your transaction offer (and may not be refundable if the IRS rejects your offer). Understanding your tax debt and dealing with the IRS isn't easy to do alone, even with available programs like Fresh Start. IRS tax debt relief or forgiveness allows taxpayers who owe unpaid taxes to reduce part of their debt, depending on their circumstances. You will be given an IRS debt forgiveness payment plan to pay the full or modified amount in a lump sum or in installments.